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Registration is Open

By Saracens President, 04/14/16, 7:00PM MDT


Join today for the 2016 season.

Our registration has officially launched. Please click here to sign up!

Some important things to note:

  • The 2016 fee structure is posted under 2016 Dues. When registering in SportNgin the Club fees will look higher because they already include the required fundraising deposit.
  • If you have fundraising credits to be issued to your registration account, please contact VP Administration / Fundraising Rebekah Peckham at BEFORE you register and pay. You will be issued a personalized and one time use "coupon code" that will subtract your earned fees.
  • Please be aware that it may take a day or two for your VP Admin to receive a coupon code from SportNgin. This is a process that we have tried to streamline but is unfortunately beyond our control.
  • All Senior Women Registrants should make note that Sportngin has included a Women's Division 2 option and Women's Division 3 option. Sportngin was unable to remove the categories, so please DO NOT select these options. You are either a Student, an Under 21 aged player or a Senior Woman. Thank you for your understanding.
  • For any questions regarding the website, please utilize the SportNgin "help" button. There are paid and trained employees ready to assist you with all matters related to the website.
  • For any inquiries directly related to the Saracens, please email

Thank you for your patience. Get registering and Up the Mighty Saracens!


For players who do not have a SportNgin account, please click on the club registration link at the bottom of this post. Once on the club registration page, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the "Sign Up" button

If you need help setting up a SportNgin account visit this page: