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From the Saracen Press

Saracen Meat Sale 2005

Posted on 2005-04-28 by Ann Birrell

Support the yourselves and your fellow Saracens by selling as much meat as you can!

Start: Thursday, April 28, 2005

End: Thursday, May 12, 2005 (all money and request forms should be turned in)

Pick up: Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Information and price lists: Attached or see Ann Birrell

Pick up Location: TBA

Delivery: to be done by seller (customers can also pick up at the Pick up Location)

Profits go to: Calgary Saracens RFC

Why do we need money?

  • Junior Girls Kit
  • Coaches
  • Equipment (Balls, cones, tackle bags, etc)
  • Hosting out of town teams
  • New Field Expenses
  • The list is goes on

We can make a lot of money from these sales, so, please make an effort to support your club. If you are unable to sell, feel free to buy for yourself.