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From the Saracen Press

Old Boys Festival June 2, 2006

Posted on 2006-05-10 by Colin Hill

It is time to dust off your cleats and come and have some fun at Calgary's first Old Boys Festival.

The thought is to participate in a round robin festival with at least four teams (20 minute games / 10 minute halves). Play three matches within an hour and a half, play everyone (unlimited substitution) and finish with a positive result for everyone.

The shorter games should reduce the overall competitiveness and hostilities that longer games seem to bring out in the old boys (as fitness and frustration take their toll).

Lets show the rest of the Calgary Rugby Old Boy community that the Saracens still have the same spirit we have always had for the game.

This potential festival will take place on June 2 and the cost per player is a measly $10.00.

Medical supplies will be provided as well as wheelchair accessibility is limited.

There is also no weight restriction. (Dennis)

Please email me your interest as soon as you can and I look forward to seeing many of your names on my inbox.



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