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From the Saracen Press

Outdoor Training Begins

Posted on 2004-04-05 by Agustin Louro

The Pneumonia Bowl signals the start of another season. Come out and enjoy the weather, toss the ball around, and finally start getting in shape for the season like you've been promising yourself since Thanksgiving.

As always, the men will train on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30pm at Montgomery Jr. High and the women will train on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00pm at Montgomery Jr. High.

The women also have Sunday runs starting at 10:30am on the north side of Edgeworthy Park, by the bridge. Attendance at these runs is mandatory if you intend to play premier division rugby.

And don't forget to set aside some money for dues! The CRU is handling all dues payment this year, and they won't give out cards (or update old ones) for players who don't pay.